Hi, it's Linda Rayner of Linda Raynor Communications, a career strategist, speaker, and coach. In this video, I'm going to teach you three steps on how to prepare for and answer the "what are your weaknesses" interview question. By following these steps, you'll not only increase your chances of advancing to the next round of interviews but also ideally land the job offer. Before we dive into discussing what a good weakness is, let's first understand what a good weakness is not. There are two key points to keep in mind. Firstly, your weakness should not be a personality trait. Weaknesses, in the context of a job interview, are areas that can be improved upon or corrected. On the other hand, personality traits are inherent qualities that cannot easily be changed by others. For example, stating "I'm impatient" as a weakness suggests to the employer that you will always be impatient, which is not something that can be fixed. Therefore, using a personality trait as a weakness is not recommended. Secondly, your weakness should not be a strength in disguise. It's common for people to try and use examples like "I work too hard" or "I'm a perfectionist" as weaknesses. However, these are often transparent attempts to avoid addressing genuine weaknesses. Recruiters and hiring managers can see through these tactics and may view them as a cop-out. Therefore, it's best to avoid using such examples as weaknesses. Now that you know what a weakness is not, let's discuss what a weakness actually is. A weakness is an issue or concern that arises in a specific context and is something you have worked on and continue to improve upon. For instance, instead of stating "I'm impatient," you can say something like "In situations where there's a deadline to be met, I tend to want...
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing I 566 sample