Music, welcome back to the channel guys. Thank you so much for joining me, and as always, a big thanks to our sponsor Coil Master. Today, we are going to be looking at the Mad Kit. We're going to start up close with this bad boy. Now, the Mad Kit comes in a bunch of different colors. It also comes with the Smok TF V12 Prince that we took a look at a couple of days ago. As you can see in the picture, they are definitely fashioning this after a pistol grip and touting it as being very ergonomic. So, let's go ahead and break it down. Standard Smok packaging. Inside, you're going to have your mod. Underneath all that, you have some manuals, warranty cards, warning cards, TFE 12 prints. And that is obviously finished to match the mod-like with the standard TF B12 prints when you buy it without a mod. You have the straight glass right here, which knocks your capacity down to about four and a half MLS. Since we just took a look at this tank recently, I'm not going to go through it, but I thought I'd just give you a quick close-up on the one that comes with the mod. They definitely match the finishes pretty well. It's got that kind of candy apple red finish, looks like a Hot Wheels car or something like that. And here's the gold one that I've been using. It's not as shiny as the red one. Okay, so you're looking at ninety-two millimeters tall and this platform is about thirty millimeters. Now, one of the first things you're going to notice when you get this mod is that your 510 and the plate there around it looks like it's cockeyed and not seated evenly inside the mod....
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I-566 Form: What You Should Know
S citizen; Change to A2 visa, G2-6 visa or NATO dependent status of a native born U.S. citizen who is eligible to a G visa, a G-3 visa, or a G-4 and can be issued within 60 days of arrival in the United States; Change from G4 to G-3, G-2, G-1, or G-0; Change to G1 or G2 for naturalization; I'm also requesting an I-94 replacement passport or to replace an expired I-94, in either case using the same form I-566. Sep 24, 2025 — Download Form I-566, Interdepartmental Request Record — A, G or NATO Dependent Employment Authorization I certify that the information provided on the first page of this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and according to our official. USCIS Form I-566 — A1, A2, G1, G3, G4 or NATO Dependent The form I-566 is required for:- Change from A1-3 visa, G1-6 visa or NATO dependent status of a naturalized U.S. citizen; Change to A2 visa, G2-6 visa or NATO dependent status of a native born U.S. citizen who is eligible to a G visa or who can be issued within 60 days of arrival in the United States; Change from G4 to G-3, G-2, G-1, or G-0; Change to G1 or G2 for naturalization; and I'm also requesting an I-94 replacement passport or to replace an expired I-94, in either case using the same form I-566.
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